Tuesday, November 6, 2007

New wine

Vintage time in Piemonte is usually around 15th of Sept to 10 of October. So now it's time to new wine (or Spring wine) !!! Talking about retailer actually in Torino it's quite difficult to find loose wine of good quality to drink at meals sold at reasonable prices (we're all rich now...). At opposite once it was very popular and easy to go to winery and get wine like here in this photo (at Eataly in English). If you enlarge you see that is priced at 2€ per litre (really good value).

Tempo di vendemmia in Piemonte è di norma tra il 15 Settembre e il 10 di Ottobre. Sicché, ora, è tempo di vino novello !!! Parlando di vendita al dettaglio, al giorno d'oggi a Torino è piuttosto difficile trovare vino sfuso da pasto di buona qualità a prezzi ragionevoli (siamo tutti ricchi ormai...). Invece un tempo era piuttosto normale e facile andare in una vineria ad acquistar vino come qui in questa fotografia (da Eataly). Allargando la foto si può notare il prezzo di 2E al litro (davvero conveniente).
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  1. "We're all rich now - & I don't drink ;)

  2. Great shot... seems like all of the wine I had in Italy was amazing :)
    I linked your blog to my Travel Blog... hope you don't mind :)


Torino was the first Capital of Italy, the city that hosted XX Olympic and IX Paralympic Winter Games and Torino Daily Photo is the first photo blog of the city --- I am sorry but due the spam comments, anonymous users are not allowed...

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