Monday, November 19, 2007

Luci d'Artista 2b- Piazza Vittorio Veneto

Piazza Vittorio, Nicola De Maria: Cosmic eyrie of all souls.
Each lamppost has this sort of coloured neon eyrie around. With coloured lappost around the big square (see my previous photo 2a below) gets an exciting ambience. More to come...

Piazza Vittorio, Nicola de Maria: Nido cosmico di tutte le anime.
Ogni lampione ha attorno, questa sorta di nido fatto di neon colorato. In uno con i lampioni colorati attorno alla grande piazza (cfr. mio precedente post 2a poco sotto) si ottiene una magica tmosfera. Continua...
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  1. Wow, that is quite an inventive exhibit!

  2. I agree with nikon!

    I like the colours. It makes the place so one of a kind.

  3. It's lovely to see all these colors in the nighttime, so unexpected and full of delight.

  4. How beautiful. Love those arcades - arcades are such a brilliant idea.

    And Fabrizio, champagne in the American bar next time you are in Monte Carlo!

  5. The march of the coloured arcades around the square is fascinating, especially in the large version

  6. The lamps are interesting indeed. And the different colored lights on the right are just as beautiful.

    Such a beautiful photo.

  7. Well, isn't this nice and creative? Like Ming, I think those colours on the right are really pretty. It must be quite nice to actually see it in person.

  8. Oh, this is so cool. I love it. It's so simple and turns them into contemporary pieces.

  9. Tks for featuring this interesting exhibition, F


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