Sunday, November 18, 2007

Balloons at Palazzo Madama

Balloons in the wind in front of Palazzo Madama --- With this simple and coloured photo I wish you Happy Weekend --- We'll see tomorrow with Luci d'Artista.

Palloni al vento di fronte a Palazzo Madama --- Con questa semplice e colorata immagine auguro a tutti un Felice fine Settimana --- Ci vedremo domani con Luci d'Artista.
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  1. i love the angle of the photo, especially with the italian flag balloon as the foreground.
    and so lucky of you to have the clear blue blue sky :)

  2. The balloons in the foreground with the beautiful building in the background makes the photo very interesting. Colours of the balloons didn't register until I read Alaya's comments. Reminds me of e.e. cummings "In Just Spring" as well as the movie, The Third Man.

  3. Fantastic photo, and as the previous commenter said, the angle is brilliant. I thought maybe it was celebrating the football result (as a Scotland resident, not far from Hampden stadium, I have to say I wasn't celebrating - the picture I posted yesterday wasn't enough to give us any luck :( ).

  4. Looks like a really beautiful day, with the blue sky and those joyous balloons...

  5. So beautiful that photo, Fabrizio! Very colorful!

    Thanks so much for your compliments to Brasília's photos! Fernando asks me to thank you!

    Did you know the site Skyscrapercity? There are a great thread of photos of BRASÍLIA. If all those photos did not show up, you must to refresh the page, because there are many photos.

    Have a nice Sunday!

  6. Another beautiful contrast between new and old!

  7. Very festive photo! Are the balloons there for a special event?

  8. Thank you very much about your very appreciated comments and no it wasn't a football celebration but when they introduced the new Fiat 500 :-)

  9. great composition from the right angle. wonderful color collection

  10. The colors of Italy blow on those balloons.

  11. Hmm... red-white-and-green. Let me think... I am trying to figure out what that might represent... hmm...

  12. Ok - I've just about forgiven Italy for what happened on Saturday, so I can now comment on this photo with the Italian flag theme. Great angle! "nice colours" with a Scottish blue sky in the background. I'm off to Venice for a couple of weeks on Saturday, so maybe it's just as well Scotland didn't win. ;)


Torino was the first Capital of Italy, the city that hosted XX Olympic and IX Paralympic Winter Games and Torino Daily Photo is the first photo blog of the city --- I am sorry but due the spam comments, anonymous users are not allowed...

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