Saturday, October 27, 2007

San Lorenzo the watch

I showed many time (inside and outside) the church of San Lorenzo and today I am going to show yout its unusual clock. In the meantime I recall those are living in countries that adopt D.S.T. (Daylight Saving Time) to adjust backward one hour their watches tonight (at 3:00am of tomorrow to be precise).

Ho mostrato più volte (all'interno e all'esterno) la chiesa di San Lorenzo e oggi vado a mostrare il suo orologio alquanto originale. Nello stesso tempo rammento a tutti coloro che vivono in Paesi che adottano l'Ora Legale di regolare questa notte i loro orologi indietro di un'ora (alle 3:00 di domani Domenica per essere precisi).
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  1. I really like this, the shadowing and soft lighting. Nice job.

  2. Very nice shot, beautifully lit as usual. I like the size of the bell. The clock is its own little arrangement.
    I think that the US has changed DST to Sunday, November 4th, I guess the politicians had nothing to do that day :)

  3. Good morning, Sig F! I enjoyed the yesterday's post of the musician and today you have rmionded me so very nicely about the hour change.

    Tks, and all the best to you.

  4. such a beautiful clock - the end of BST always makes me SAD but this clock brightens my mood.


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