Tuesday, October 23, 2007

National University Library of Torino 1

I showed time ago (see HERE) this magnificent building. The monument (in first sight) was dedicated to Carlo Alberto d Savoia. In this square there are some restaurants and it's really nice in Summer to eat there surrounded by History.

Ho mostrato tempo fa questo stupenda costruzione (cfr. QUI). Il monumento (in primo piano) venne dedicato a Carlo Alberto di Savoia. In questa piazza ci sono alcuni ristoranti ed รจ molto bello in estate cenare circondati dalla Storia.
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  1. Great framing, Fabrizio and another great night shot!

  2. Hello Fabrizio - ikol22, It's lovely to see the building lit at night, and to imagine a restaurant with people enjoying the square during the day.

  3. It has to be very nice to study there. ;))))


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