Wednesday, September 19, 2007

via Roma... Ehm Portico's Ceiling

Unfortunately is a bit blurred but I'm sure you will appreciate details of via Roma portico's ceiling ;-)

Sfortunatamente è un po' mossa ma son certo apprezzerete i dettagli del soffito dei portici di via Roma ;-)


  1. Well I like it Fabrizio. I never think of playing with the B&W and sepia and blues. Good idea. Works well in this case.

    By the way, I really don't want to force you but I just posted something that will probably make you smile. Well, in any case, I am curious to see what you think of my interpretation. ;)

  2. Just beautiful Via Roma! I see also a FNAC bookstore at right! Love to go to FNAC!

  3. This is a very beautifully captured & composed shot...simply love the details!

  4. I think I'm more interested in looking at the two girls, rather than the ceiling!

  5. che belle le italiane...LOL

  6. Really, what ceiling? If I took that shot it would be blurred, too :)

  7. Bingo. I'm happy you all loved this kind of *ceiling* :-))))

    Sonia, I didn't know that Fnac is worldwide. I thought it was only European. It's like Ikea that I didn't belive to my eyes when I saw it in Beijin.

    Eliane, as said on your blog I'm flattered to be able to inspire you in today your great photo :-)

    Thank you to everyone.

  8. I wish we had ceilings in Australia, as nice as those in Italia.
    I will come to Italia and study your ceilings in great detail.
    There is nothing unfortunate in a little blurrrrrrr, especially in this shot.


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