Tuesday, September 18, 2007

via Cernaia Porticos 1

As promised this is the second photo I took there with another different kind of ceiling under porticos.

Come promesso questa è la seconda fotografia presa in via Cernaia (via Pietro Micca) con un altro tipo di soffitto sotto i portici.
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  1. The ceiling is so very high! It's decorative and beautiful at the same time.

  2. The motifs on the ceiling are nice!

    Nice place to have a cuppa!

  3. so interesting and beautiful (as always), looks like a nice and restful place

  4. It is a great place for sidewalk cafes!

  5. Indeed, so different. While the others that I imagined in the distance seem as though they are wrapping you in the space, these ones give a lot of "air" to the space. Love the sidewalk cafés as well!

  6. Wow! Just gorgeous place, Fabrizio. I would like to be there!

  7. I think this one is my favorite of the three so far. I like the combination of the clean patterns and the brown warmth of the wood.

  8. My idea of retirement has always included the notion that I spend my mornings having breakfast, reading the paper and a good book in such surroundings

  9. Le correzioni sono sempre ben accette da chi tuttavia ha il buon gusto di presentarsi


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