Sunday, September 2, 2007

Chiesa Madonna del Pilone

I will photograph this church at sunset or just after snow. If I'll have chance will be nice because of the hill on the background. By the way I like in this photo the bell tower "lost" in the night. --- Thank you to everybody that yesterday commented my theme month and Happy Weekend to all of you !

Fotograferò nuovamente questa chiesa al tramonto o appena dopo una nevicata. Se ne avrò modo sarà bello per via della collina sullo sfondo. In questa foto tuttavia mi piace il campanile "perso" nella notte. --- Grazie a tutti coloro che ieri hanno commentato il mio tema del mese e Felice Fine Settimana a voi tutti !
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  1. I like the bell tower, too & that great side street with the lighted doorways.
    With snow in the background & a full moon it must be great.

  2. It is a nice photograph of a very old church. I like it.

    I hope you get to see my bird today.

  3. me piace molto questo foto (e tutti i tui foto nella notte). Il campanile 'perso' nella notte - misterioso!

  4. I bet it will look lovely in the snow, but I can wait, don't want it yet.

  5. Your city is truly beautiful. Gorgeous architecture. Thanks for the tour! :)


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