Friday, August 24, 2007

T.A.R. del Piemonte

This is the Regional Administrative Court of Piemonte that's in Torino (just the main entrance). I don't know anything about the building except it looks like quite beautiful as other buildings previously taken in that area (see most of them HERE).

Questo è il Tribunale Amministrativo Regionale del Piemonte che ha sede in Torino (particolare dell'ingresso principale). Non conosco la storia del palazzo al di là del fatto ch'esso appaia molto bello come gli altri palazzi precedentemente fotografati in quella zona (v. alcuni di essi QUI).
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  1. This is indeed a beautiful building. I like the colour of the facade and all the exquisite carved details.

  2. It is a pretty building - I like the soft colors and lacy affect of the white decor.

  3. Generalmente gli edifici pubblici hanno un aspetto ben diverso: intimidiscono! (Non credo che anche questo sia un aspetto secondario per rapporto paritario tra lo Stato e il cittadino...)
    Naturalmente tutto questo c'entra poco con la foto veramente bella.

  4. Yet another beautiful building. Superb colour and detail. I love your city!

    Had dinner in the village last night with a friend who lives in Turin - so a visit is planned for next year when I'll visit him and hope to say Hello to you, Fabrizio!

  5. I love the colours and the window detail of this building - what a romantic city you live in Fabrizio!!!

  6. Beautiful building with so much fine detailing and brick work.
    Quite a neighborhood :)

  7. Welcome back to Nazzareno and happy to meet you Jilly next year :-))

  8. Beautiful building and even the no entry signs appears not to be too intrusive.

  9. Beautiful details over the arches of windows.


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