Wednesday, June 27, 2007

The Valentino's Castle 1

As promised yesterday this is how the Castle looks like viewed from the city and how Madama Cristina di Francia wanted its look. I must say I posted last 21st of April another photo of it (here) but I prefer this one because I took it with wide angle.

Come promesso ieri così è come il Castello si presenta visto dalla città e come Madama Cristina di Francia volle esso apparisse. Devo ammettere che inserii lo scorso 21 Aprile un'altra sua fotografia ma preferisco questa perché scattata con un grand'angolo.
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  1. What a nice photo. The castle is spectacular, especially at night. Lovely.

  2. OMG what a spendid photo - and castle. And you're right Fabrizio, this one is much better than the closeup of April 21.

  3. Beautiful architectural photo - elegant, balanced, graceful. Shooting it at night is a very good idea. The black sky keeps the eye on what’s important. You get a little bit of wide angle lens distortion in the foreground towers, which, if you wanted to go to the trouble, you could straighten out in Photoshop. Excellent work, as usual.

    Your photos give me a growing sense of the atmosphere of your city.


    St. Louis Missouri Daily Photo Blog

  4. I love the perspective of this picture.Very nice.

  5. brilliant picture....fabulous castle!!!

  6. Very beautiful photo and the castle looks fantastic!

  7. I like this one better too but both photos are excellent.

    The Italians know how to make beautiful buildings.

  8. I like the symmetry in the photo. Very nice

  9. Lovely shot. It's hard to say which view is better.
    Well done. Really.

  10. what a very beautiful castle... makes me dream to live in one :)

  11. What a beautiful photograph and castle. I like this wide angle view best, though your April 21st photo is very nice too!

    Thanks for visiting my North Bay photos.

  12. Oh WOW, this is just so dramatic and beautiful! I'm in awe!

  13. Beautiful shot - I like both shots.

  14. Well what to say, thank you very much indeed to everyone and a special thank to Eric for finding time to leave a comment here :-)

  15. I think it is the color as well as the perspective that invites you into the picture that I like the most.

    Abraham Lincoln
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    Brookville Daily Photo

  16. Elegant and dignified gracefulness. A great capture.

  17. Turin has such amazing buildings - and your photographs are so good. I'm still learning how to do night shots. Love yours.


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