Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Piazza San Carlo 4

Yes it's the fifth time I publish a photo of Piazza San Carlo (maybe Saint Charles Square in English). First time on 11th January, second time on 24th January, third on 3rd April and fourth the day after: 4th April. I'm waitning next Winter to take it with fog...

Sì è la quinta volta che pubblico una foto di Piazza San Carlo. La prima volta: 11 Gennaio, la seconda lo scorso 24 Gennaio, poi il 3 di Aprile e la quarta il giorno successivo: il 4 di Aprile. Sto attentendo il prossimo inverno per fotografarla con la nebbia...
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  1. Love the lantern!

    Looks like a warm evening, perfect for a stroll around the piazza...

  2. I love your night shots, nice glow to the plaza.

  3. It's all different angle, time, and finish. I love them all and especially this one.

  4. Tks for your nice comments on rain, F. Now...I look at it this way....we are still using the same roads that your ancestors built for us!! They are quite clear on the map. So pse feel at home. You are always welcome.


  5. Can't wait to see this as a night shot with fog and the lights trying to shine through

  6. It seems like a lot of people are there in the evening. Is that normal?

  7. Looking over the last few posts (and others) I know if I stayed in Torino one of the lasting iconic images I would take away with me would be the distinctive street lamps. I think it's strange that often the things that stick in our minds and characterise a place are like this. In Zurich for example street lamps as well but also street signs.

  8. 'roon, thank you very much indeed. I really appreciate it.

    Abraham, sure it is. In this season but even in Winter it's nice to stroll around

  9. Thanks for sharing this evocative photograph of the Piazza San Carlo - it is quite unusual!


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