Sunday, April 29, 2007

Sssst Time to Sleep

Mao (my kitty) is sleeping and Fab is going him too. Ah magic week-end :-) --- Have a nice & resting week-end you too!!!

Mao (il mio micio) sta dormendo e Fab sta andando. Ah magico fine settimana :-) --- Auguro un piacevole e riposante fine settimana a tutti !!!
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  1. I love it that some people allow their animals to have some privileges, like sleeping on furniture!!

  2. so restful and relaxing looking - you definitely do have a nice place!

  3. I think one the reasons for pet cat is that they remind their humans to rest and enjoy life ... Check out Abraham from Brookville photo about a cat.

  4. :) nice cosy place for mao, sleep tight

  5. Looks very comfy, Mao is a lucky kitty. I posted my cat Simba today, she's bird watching, sort of.

  6. Mao must have been very tired.

    Once when I was still in college, I had to take a small kitten home because the owner's dog kept harrassing the kitten. I only had it for a couple of days and it was the sweetings thing ever. She slept on my chest while I napped on the couch. She sat on my shoulder when I watched TV. Unfortunately, I was not able to keep it and the owner gave it away to someone else.

  7. anche a te a micio.......giornate belle sempre!


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