Saturday, April 28, 2007

Colourful Valentino

Though I prefer night or sunset photo and those took in Winter in rainy or in foggy days, I like this one took last week at Valentino the oldest and most wide park in Torino.

Sebbene io preferisca le fotografie notturne o al tramonto come quelle prese in Inverno in giornate piovose o nebbiose, mi piace questa scattata la scorsa settimana al Valentino il più vecchio e vasto dei parchi di Torino.
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  1. I liked this colored and light photo, as much as I like your night and sunset photos...Have a lovely :) weekend and a lot of sleep...

  2. I like your photograph today. It is so bright and cheerful looking.

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    Abraham Lincoln
    Brookville Daily Photo

  3. very colorful indeed!
    have a colorful weekend!

  4. Just beautiful, Fabrizio. And I loved yesterday's too - wonderful reflection and colours.

  5. Bella Fabrizio! Una passeggiata al Valentino non manca mai nei miei ritorni torinesi... ;-)

  6. Thank you to everyone. In questo periodo Massim. il Valentino è splendido...

  7. Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment.

    I like the cheerful brightness of this photo.


Torino was the first Capital of Italy, the city that hosted XX Olympic and IX Paralympic Winter Games and Torino Daily Photo is the first photo blog of the city --- I am sorry but due the spam comments, anonymous users are not allowed...

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