Friday, February 15, 2013

The Kiss !!!

Torino, photo of a kiss ! Well I know that Valentine's Day was yesterday and I know that the Robert Doisneau Kiss (here) it's a bit more, how to say… Old fashion, passionate and Parisienne, however this is a Fab kiss (feel free to read "fabulous" instead of Fabrizio). Grin :-)

Torino foto di un bacio ! D'accordo lo so che San Valentino era ieri e che il bacio immortalato da Robert Doisneau (qui) è più, come dire… Vecchio stile, appassionato e Parisienne, comunque sia questo è un bacio di Fabrizio (in inglese l'abbreviazione Fab si intende per "favoloso" da qui il gioco di parole con l'abbreviazione del mio nome). Grin :-) 
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  1. It is a FAB kiss however you look at it. The traffic zooming and they are oblivious. Amore!

  2. Really nice! Love this. And it's still Valentine's Day here in the USA.

  3. Oh la la! Doisneau would have loved this one.. tres beau image 'fabulous Fabrizio' !!

  4. That is a magical photo! It's like the kiss is illuminating the entire street!
    Duncan In Kuantan

  5. what a great capture and use of tone - <3 Love!

  6. Lovely shot! When was it taken and on what street?

  7. such a magical photo fabrizio!! hope you had a wonderful valentine's day :)

  8. First of all thank you, thank you so much. Tomorrow I will reply to each of you !

  9. This is such a great photo on many levels: the lighting, the kiss, the sign (!), the action, and the effect of stars overhead in this contained space. You nailed this one.



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