Saturday, October 13, 2012

Reggia di Venaria - Galleria Grande

Torino, photo of a detail of the Great Gallery ceiling. Those oval windows over the great windows were opened by Filippo Juvarra (1678-1736) just to give more light to the Great Gallery.

Torino, foto di un dettaglio del soffitto della Galleria Grande. Le Finestre ovali sopra le finestre e le porte a livello del terreno vennero aperte da Filippo Juvarra (1678-1736) allo scopo di dare maggiore luce e dunque risalto, alla Galleria Grande.
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  1. The oval windows are already art.

    Blessed is anyone who brings more light.

  2. I have responded to your FB message, Fabrizio.

  3. "Blessed is anyone who brings more light." Ditto Dina !!!

    Eheh Virginia :-) but it's not my "fault": the sky in a wind journey was exactly that blue :-))

    Thank you Julie, I got it !


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