Sunday, March 25, 2012


The photo shows a detail about the Synagogue of Torino. This one has been built in 1884 by Enrico Petiti. Even if able to host 1400 people, the first and most important Synagogue in Torino was commissioned to Alessandro Antonelli and he began to build a strange enormous building… Jewish Community refused it and it was bought by the Torino Municipality. It became the Torino symbol: the Mole Antonelliana :-)

La foto mostra un dettaglio della Sinagoga di Torino. Questa è stata realizzata da Enrico Petiti e sebbene capace di ospitare sino a 1400 persone, la prima e più importante Sinagoga a Torino venne commissionata ad Alessandro Antonelli che inizio a costruire un edificio enorme… La Comunità Ebraica la rifiutò e venne acquisita dal Comune di Torino divenendone il simbolo: la Mole Antonelliana. 
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  1. Oh, I recognize it from a photo of "Facciata della Sinagoga di Torino" which is on the wall of our Museum of Italian Jewish Art, in Jerusalem.
    Maybe I can email you my photo of their photo.
    But I didn't know the funny story about the Mole!

  2. As I replied to you by email: thank you so much Dina about those very interesting photos !!!


Torino was the first Capital of Italy, the city that hosted XX Olympic and IX Paralympic Winter Games and Torino Daily Photo is the first photo blog of the city --- I am sorry but due the spam comments, anonymous users are not allowed...

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