Thursday, January 19, 2012

Monviso Sunset

Even if I am not in the right mood thinking to Costa Concordia missing people, I start again to publish some photo ... This one concerns Monviso (the higher mount on the left). I have taken this photo at sunset some day ago from home and it is as is, *without* any post production except resizing it. Probably most of you don't know that Monviso is one of claimed mounts that inspired the Paramount logo :-)

Sebbene non nel giusto umore pensando ai dispersi di Costa Concordia, ricomincio col pubblicare qualche foto … Questa concerne il Monviso (la vetta più alta a sinistra). Ho scattato questa foto al tramonto qualche giorno fa da casa mia ed è *senza* alcuna attività di post produzione eccetto il ridimensionamento. Probabilmente molti di voi ignorano che il Monviso è uno dei monti che si dice abbiano ispirato il logo della Paramount :-)
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  1. Ah, yes! The cruise ship is definitely a national tragedy for your sorry it had to happen with loss of lives. I am especially interested because of the missing Minnesota retired couple.

    I hope that your photo of the remarkable sunset has lifted your spirits.

  2. Thank you Kate. I hope that the Minnesota retired couple is safe at home...

  3. It's so hard to stay in a positive mind when such tragedies occur especially when they are so senseless. Keep taking your beautiful images Fabrizio, it's good for the soul.


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