Sunday, October 9, 2011

Palazzo Carignano - The court

This is a detail of the court of Palazzo Carignano in Torino. Designed by Guarino Guarini it was built between 1679 - 1684. It was the first Italian Parliament.

Un dettaglio del cortile di Palazzo carignano in Torino. Su disegno di da Guarino Guarini venne costruito tra il 1679 e il 1684. Eì stao il Primo Parlamento Italiano.
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  1. Love the symmetry here...

  2. What a joy for the eyes!
    So old and so unusual.

  3. It is gorgeous and in amazingly good shape for being so old. A palace, indeed!

  4. Thank you Madge and Jacob. Yes Dina I agree it's unusual and all the building comes out with same texture. I'll publish other detailed photo of Palazzo Carignano in future


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