Saturday, October 1, 2011

Mystery Object...

The CityDailyPhoto Theme's Day this month is... Mystery Object. Sssooo #1 What (is it?) - #2 Where (did I take it?) - #3 Why (the Italian flags?) -- It's easy, BTW the answer tomorrow :-) -- Click here to view thumbnails for all participants.

Oggetto misterisoso è il tema del giorno proposto questo inizio mese dalla Community Mondiale CityDailyPhoto di cui questo blog è parte. Domani le risposte volte a dipanare il "mistero" :-) -- QUI per vedere gli oggetti misteriosi nel resto del mondo.
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  1. Of course, 150 years of lovely Italy, but on a manhole/drain cover?


  2. Sono stato a Torino di recente e ho notato anch'io questo delizioso dettaglio! :-)
    Grazie per le tue foto sempre spettacolari, ti seguo sempre e ogni volta respiro quell'atmosfera torinese che adoro.


  3. Only in Italy could manhole covers be so stylish!

  4. I also noticed these manhole covers a few months ago. I took a picture of it too! They're in the city center.

  5. On the ground? I'd hate to step on your flag.
    Very pretty though.

  6. Too pretty to be a manhole cover but sure looks like it.

  7. This is quite an artful and creative manhole cover!

  8. In name of Torino Municipality: thank you Kate !


Torino was the first Capital of Italy, the city that hosted XX Olympic and IX Paralympic Winter Games and Torino Daily Photo is the first photo blog of the city --- I am sorry but due the spam comments, anonymous users are not allowed...

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