Saturday, July 16, 2011

A room with a view

A room with a view in Torino... No it isn't my room. I have taken this photo from Palazzo Reale (Royal Palace). If it was still necessary this photo shows once more how Torino is not the right city where to build skyscrapers... --- Enjoy your weekend !

Una camera con vista a Torino... No non è la mia camera. Ho scattato la foto da Palazzo Reale. Qualora si renda ancora necessario, la foto mostra una volta in più come Torino non sia città ove costruire grattacieli... --- Buon Fine Settimana !
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  1. A wonderful expanse of space to enjoy all those magnificent buildings.

  2. I prefer your beautiful city without the skyscrapers Fabrizio!

  3. Torino a i suoi grattacieli naturali: le alpi…

  4. Oi, I see what you mean. The same with my Jerusalem.

  5. Wow, you are so right.

    I've missed your blog, Fabrizio. I've enjoyed catching up on it!

  6. Thank you friends about your comment. I am happy you appreciated this esplanade surrounded by Baroque buildings and I an even more happy you agree with me about skyscrapers ;-)

    Θάνος Δ. mai parole, le tue, furono più chiare !!!!!!


Torino was the first Capital of Italy, the city that hosted XX Olympic and IX Paralympic Winter Games and Torino Daily Photo is the first photo blog of the city --- I am sorry but due the spam comments, anonymous users are not allowed...

--- Thanks for your comment ! --