Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Giandujotti and Cremini (typical chocolate of Torino) since 1928 by Streglio. Torino is proud to say welcome to Streglio in Piazza Carignano. The photo shows the new store they opened last 3rd of December. Thanks to Mr. Livio Costamagna Streglio is born again. * Many happy returns of the day *

Giandujotti e Cremini dal 1928 prodotti dalla Streglio. Torino è orgogliosa di dare il benvenuto a Streglio in Piazza Carignano. La foto mostra il nuovissimo atelier aperto lo scorso 3 Dicembre. Grazie a Livio Costamagna la Streglio è nata a nuova vita. * Cento di questi giorni *
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  1. So elegant. The furniture has the color of dark chocolate.

  2. Delicious! Just in time for Christmas....Ciao. A.

  3. It looks as if it should be selling diamonds.

  4. How elegant. The Italians know how to treat their chocolate.

  5. Dina, Antonella, Linda, Karin... Each of you centered the point. Furnitures look like typical dark chocolate (here called: "fondente"). It also seems they are selling diamonds because good chocolate is precious and yes Karin, we love to treat it at best :-) --- Hugs to you all :-)


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