Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Salone del Gusto

Yesterday finished eighth Edition of International meeting called: Salone del Gusto 2010 (<--- Link in English), held every two years in Torino: over than 170,000 visitors in 5 days (many came from abroad). --- The photo shows the absolute genuine water-ice from Sicily (granita). It is a speciality from Alfredo. He lives in Salina the second island of Eolie islands. Take a look their Site. --- Strawberry and Persimmon the *delicious* flavours.

E' terminata ieri con uno straordinario successo di pubblico (oltre 170mila visitatori, 1/3 dall'estero) l'ottava edizione del Salone del Gusto (Sito): la manifestazione che si tiene a Torino ogni due anni. --- La foto mostra la più genuina delle granite Siciliane. E' una specialità di Alfredo che vive a lavora a Salina la seconda isola dell'arcipeago delle Eolie. Date un'occhiata al suo Sito. --- Fragola e Cachi gli squisiti gusti raffigurati.


  1. I'll take a little of each, a little extra Strawberry though.

  2. That's a "cool" picture of granita.
    Your food fair sounds like fun.

  3. From the thumbnail I thought it might have been spices. Now I see it's at the opposite end of the taste spectrum.

  4. No one does icecream and water ice like the Italians. No one! No one does lots of things like the Italians - happily!

  5. Thank you for your comments. I must admit it was the first time (yes, the first time) that I tasted the Granita Siciliana and it was delightful. Jilly is right but she's lucky because in France you can find everything everywhere. I mean that in Menton you will find all kinds of French cheese as you can find them in Brest. Not in Italy so, mostly, we know what is produced in other areas of the country but rarely we can find them all around the country.


Torino was the first Capital of Italy, the city that hosted XX Olympic and IX Paralympic Winter Games and Torino Daily Photo is the first photo blog of the city --- I am sorry but due the spam comments, anonymous users are not allowed...

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