Saturday, September 11, 2010

An Arch in The Blue

Torino Daily Photo and I will be in holiday for few days until the 20th of September. Let me remember too what happened nine years ago... In memory of innocent people died.

Torino Daily Foto ed io saremo in vacanza per qualche giorno, sino al prossimo 20 Settembre. Mi sia peraltro concesso non dimenticare quanto accadde nove anni fa... Quel triste 11 Settembre 2001.
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  1. Your comments are always as tasteful and as respectful as your photos.

    Have a nice holiday.

  2. Have a wonderful holiday. Lovely tribute.

  3. K is right, what an appropriately solemn and touching photograph, both for your departure and for the remembrance of what happened here in the US nine years ago. Thank you so much for your thoughts.

    I will miss you here on Torino Daily Photo, but have a safe and happy holiday wherever your travels take you Fabrizio!

  4. Thank you, Fabrizio for remembering the anniversary of our terrible day, 9/11, and also for sending a birthday greeting to me.

    Have a good holiday!

  5. Have a nice holiday.

    I thought you might be interested to know that yesterday and today on my Daily Photo site I have featured a new Italian restaurant in Tamarindo, Costa Rica, that has been started by a wonderful man from Torino. I hope he is successful.

  6. Lovely tribute.

    Have a wonderful vacation. Look forward to more of your beautiful photos:)


Torino was the first Capital of Italy, the city that hosted XX Olympic and IX Paralympic Winter Games and Torino Daily Photo is the first photo blog of the city --- I am sorry but due the spam comments, anonymous users are not allowed...

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