Sunday, August 1, 2010

Theme Day: Bright colors

Talking about bright colors what's better than to show the photo about the (bright) luminous fountain in Torino. It continuosly changes color also thank to 142 nozzles and 73 floodlights --- Click here to view thumbnails for all participants around the world in this Theme Day !

Se parliamo di colori brillanti cosa di meglio se non mostrare la foto della fontana luminosa di Torino. Cambia continuamente colore anche grazie a 142 ugelli e 73 proiettori --- Cliccate qui per vedere le immagini di tutti coloro che partecipano a questo tema del mese attorno al mondo !
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  1. Wonderful photo for Theme Day. It is beautiful! My post will be up in about 11 hours, but today's is a nice tease.

  2. It is slightly strange seeing Torino in bright colors rather than silver or blue. ;)

    Such a beautiful fountain, Fabrizio!

  3. What fun! I could sit there watching it all night.

  4. Lots of lovely bright colours here.

  5. Wow, this is really bright colors! Happy theme day :-)

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  7. Absolutely fantastic and really bright. Well photographed.

    I wish you a wonderful and successful month of August.

  8. Bellissimo: anche gli alberi partecipano a questo gioco di colori e luci…

  9. Wonderful, Fabrizio. Amazing colours in the water and so beautifully photographed.

  10. What a pleasure it must be to see this at night.

  11. Oh, they look like icicles in color! Beautiful!

    And thanks for linking me to the other wonderful photos. Bright colors are happy colors. They make me smile :)

  12. I would say that's a perfect example of bright colors; they look especially so against the night sky. Gorgeous photo!

  13. Well... I am very happy you love this photo, so did I. I have to add that in Summer, sometime, there's also music in background and, yes, as Dina said: it's easy to sit there and watch it all the night.

    Thank you so much to *each* of you !!!


Torino was the first Capital of Italy, the city that hosted XX Olympic and IX Paralympic Winter Games and Torino Daily Photo is the first photo blog of the city --- I am sorry but due the spam comments, anonymous users are not allowed...

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