Monday, August 23, 2010

Art Nouveau a Torino

The photo shows the front of the building I published some day ago. As you can see it's a sort of elegy of curves' line. In a couple of days I will post a detail of the entrance. "Art Nouveau a Torino" because "Art nouveau" is probably most popular abroad than Liberty.

La foto mostra la facciata della casa che ho pubblicato qualche giorno fa. Come si può osservare è in pratica l'elegia delle linee curve. Tra un paio di giorni pubblicherò un dettaglio dell'ingresso. "Art Nouveau a Torino" perché "Art Nouveau" è probabilmente il termine più conosciuto all'estero in luogo di Liberty, più popolare qui.
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  1. Very nice; I like this photo even better than the first one you showed us of this building. One can really see its graceful curves. It seems like it would be extremely difficult to construct such curvaceous architecture. I am always amazed by the workmanship.

    I also really like the silvery look to your black and white photos. Just beautiful.

  2. Thank you Randy and Thank you Ann. I agree it seems difficult (and probably it is) to build curvaceous walls. In a couple fo day the last one: a detail of entrance.

    Thank you both about your appreciation !

  3. E' fantastica questa foto, ma.... dov'è????? o.o
    ti prego dimmelo, non posso non conoscere un posto di torino così bello!!!
    la mia mail è


Torino was the first Capital of Italy, the city that hosted XX Olympic and IX Paralympic Winter Games and Torino Daily Photo is the first photo blog of the city --- I am sorry but due the spam comments, anonymous users are not allowed...

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