Saturday, July 10, 2010

When the moon...

When the moon lighting up the night, this is the scenary on the top of Lingotto on the track test where I took the photo. In 1985 the architect Renzo Piano was chosen to revise the first Fiat Factory in Torino designed between 1916 and 1922 by Giacomo Mattè Trucco. Lingotto was loved by Le Corbusier that defined it "one of the most impressive sights in industry" in his manifesto: "Vers une architecture".

Quando la luna rischiara la notte, questo è lo spettacolo che si gode dalla pista del Lingotto dove ho scattato la foto. Nel 1985 l'architetto Renzo Piano venne scelto per riformulare l'uso della prima grande fabbrica Fiat a Torino progettata dall'ing. Giacomo Mattè Trucco tra il 1916 e il 1922. Il Lingotto piacque molto a Le Corbusier che lo definì, nel suo manifesto "Vers une architecture", Uno degli spettacoli più impressionanti dell'industria.
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  1. Interesting photo. It reminds me of a Science Fiction movie.

  2. Yes, it could be from a movie about deep space.

  3. amazing photograph and the architecture too!

  4. It's so powerful.
    As if the sky is alive!

  5. What a beautiful otherworldly sky. I like the composition too.

  6. Star Trek!!!

    BTW, On my Paris blog a few days ago, Hiker ventured the opinion that you would have approved of the photo of the 3 gentlemen on the park bench. I was VERY flattered,

  7. That blows me away. It is full of drama. Perfect exposure. I agree with Virginia that it has a science fiction feel.

  8. Love this photo ! interesting & beautiful : )

  9. definitely an SF feel to this photo, excellent!

  10. I'm happy you loved it. I must admit your common idea to see in it something "from future" is mine too. A friend also compared it to some Kubrick view. I'm very flattered and thank you so so much !!!


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