Thursday, June 17, 2010

Po in piena

River Po is overflowing in Torino. Since yesterday it's raining too much. Tonight, when I took this photo at "Vittorio Emanuele I"'s bridge the water was quite near (as you can see) to the top of the arcades. We hope it will stop to rain.

Il Po sta straripando a Torino. Da ieri non smette di piovere. Questa sera, quando ho scattato questa foto, l'acqua era molto vicina alle arcate superiori del ponte Vittorio Emanuele I. Speriamo smetta di piovere.
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  1. Though it is beautiful, I hope it stops raining soon. It gets dangerous fast...

  2. Oh no! I pray Torino will be spared from flooding.

  3. Photo seems so icy .... nice photo, but a dangerous situation...

  4. Questo foto è stupendo, ma anche ho un po' di paura perche abito vicino il fiume!

  5. Pretty photo. I also like the icy affect.

    I hope it stops raining there too.

  6. @Amy, at the moment it stopped to rain... we hope :-)

    @Dina, at the moment there isn't any danger in the city. The river (that it's the longest in Italy), just overflowed as I show today. We all hope that bridges will be able to face its rush. At the moment stopped to rain and we cross fingers

    @Silwy, as said to Dina, at the moment it's not so dangerous. We'll see next days. Thank you for visiting :-)

    @Rebecca, come hai letto sopra la situazione al momento non è molto pericolosa. Speriamo solo smetta di piovere così forte.

    @Terry, thank you for hoping you too! Altogether we'll win (I hope) :-)

  7. That must be quite alarming. It's such a mighty river even when it's not in flood.


Torino was the first Capital of Italy, the city that hosted XX Olympic and IX Paralympic Winter Games and Torino Daily Photo is the first photo blog of the city --- I am sorry but due the spam comments, anonymous users are not allowed...

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