Thursday, June 3, 2010

Casa Fenoglio La Fleur

Casa Fenoglio La Fleur was built in 1902 by Pietro Fenoglio. At beginning of 1900 Torino was very interested in this new European trend called Art Nouveau (here best known as Liberty).

Casa Fenoglio La Fleur venne costruita nel 1902 da Pietro Fenoglio. Agli inizi del '900 Torino si mostrĂ² molto aperta alle nuove tendenze europee tra cui l'Art Nouveau qui meglio conosciuta come stile Liberty.
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  1. I'd love to live in a grand mansion like that one! It looks like a huge jewelry box!

  2. Beautiful building.

    Did you know that your photos are being harvested (stolen) by a site in Brazil? Many of us in the CDPB community are being victimized also.

    here is a link to your photo.

  3. @Leif, it is in fact :-)
    @Clueless, I replied on the forum about stolen photos.

  4. i came to know about it little while ago. i noticed in one blog, i asked the owner, he sent me to an informative post - there i came to know what was happening.

    Dear Fabrizio, it seems to me that they're stealing on a mass scale: can't they be taken down if a large mass of people start complaining?

  5. @Kaushik, I replied about this point on forum. I agree with you but unfortunately it seems that people find easier to complain than to face the problem as -like you suggest- I supposed there. Give a look.


Torino was the first Capital of Italy, the city that hosted XX Olympic and IX Paralympic Winter Games and Torino Daily Photo is the first photo blog of the city --- I am sorry but due the spam comments, anonymous users are not allowed...

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