Wednesday, May 26, 2010

When it looks like Summer

In these days it looks like Summer. So, what's better than to drink water when you're thirsty? Where? At Toret, of course. The pronounce is: /'tu:ret/ and it means "little bull". In fact water comes out from a sort of little head bull (as you can see). Bull in italian is Toro and Torino come out from Bull.

In questi giorni sembra estate. Cosa c'è di meglio dell'acqua quando si ha sete? Berla dove? Al Toret naturalmente. Toret (scritto così senza alcuna sorta d'accento si pronuncia: /'tu:ret/ = "u" di "uva"). Qui le fontanelle d'acqua si chiamano "toret" in dialetto torinese. L'acqua infatti sgorga da una specie di testa di toro (come si può vedere) e "Torino" discende da Toro.
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  1. What a nice way to cool off and you must have been standing on something to get this great shot!

  2. Yep, the summer heat can be quite a killer. Sadly, we dont have any such bull-heads giving us water in Mumbai's streets. But with the monsoons just being a few weeks away, the heat shall fade away.
    - Mindless Mumbai

  3. Ciao Fabrizio,
    I have only just checked your blog as my parents were visiting Turin so I have been quite busy. There are some breathtaking photos – I love the ones of Piazza San Carlo in the rain and the Salone del Libro (which I went to).
    I am glad summer seems to be here and Turin will now be a bit quieter that 'la ostensione Sindone' has finished. More than 2 million visitors. Incredible.
    Have a nice week.

  4. Thank you Virginia

    I'm sorry kunal bhatia you don't have any public water dispenser in Mumbai

    Hi Mike, I'm happy you could be back in Torino those days :-)

  5. Nice angle, nice bull, nice boy.


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