Friday, April 30, 2010

In line to see the Shroud

People are in line (into Royal Gardens) for arriving to the path that take to the cathedral of Torino where the Shroud is exhibited. Next days I will show you principal steps of the path

Persone in coda per la Sindone. Qui sono sul tratto di strada (nell'area dei Giardini reali) che li porta verso l'inizio del percorso che li condurrĂ  in Duomo. Nei prossimi giorni mostrerĂ² i punti principali che compongono l'intero percorso.
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  1. Hopefully they had tickets for entry at a certain time. It looks like the line is moving fairly fast. I wish I could come see the Shroud. Thanks for your photos!

  2. All that goes together with the exhibit is almost as interesting as the shroud itself.

  3. My goodness! That's a lot of curious and faithful.
    PS. Haven't visited recently because I have a typical Minnesota summer cold with sleeplessness and lack of stamina--not much fun! Haven't been around much as a result! Have a good week-end!

  4. I was lucky enough to see the Shroud last Sunday. The weather was good which helped. The queue does move quite fast. I enjoyed the whole experience. And yes, everything that goes together with the Shroud is interesting. And don't forget, Turin is one of Italy's most beautiful cities.

  5. @Kim, yes (see also Mike below) normally all the route until you get our from the Cathedral requires 30 / 40 mins. Of course all people reserved day and time of visit

    @Dina, you centered the point. People coming from all over are interesting and colorful. Some pray, some play but most are joyful

    @Kate, I'm sorry to read you don't feel well :-( as "summer cold" do you mean a sort of allergy or a traditional cold? BTW being allergic me too I well understand how bad and poor one's feel. Take a care !!!!!

    @Mike, I'm happy you liked everything about it and... of course, you know how agree I do about Torino's beauties :-))))))))


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