Friday, January 1, 2010

Best photo of the year

According to a tradition of "City Daily Photo" Community (of which this photoblog is part), I am going to publish what I think to consider my... enough blue best photo of the year (the last year). The winner is: a sunset after storm over Piazza Vittorio in Torino I took last August ---
TDP and I will be in holiday until next 18th of January... Have fun !!!

Secondo la tradizione della Comunità "City Daily Photo" (di cui questo blog è parte), vado a pubblicare quella che considero la mia... Sufficientemente blu miglior foto dell'anno scorso. La vincitrice é: un tramonto su Piazza Vittorio dopo un temporale scattata lo scorso Agosto ---
TDP e io saremo in vacanza sino al prossimo 18 Gennaio... Have fun !!!
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  1. I love how the sky follows the tram/trolley lines down the road - a fabulous perspective.

  2. A beautiful shot, Fabrizio. Actually this year the Photo of the Year will be on the 15th January so you must post it again, perhaps?

    Wishing you a very happy New Year, peace, health and happiness. xxx

  3. Che bella (photo!)

    Buon anno Fabrizio, bonne et heureuse année !

  4. Buon anno e grazie per offrirci questo sguardo su una Torino splendida!
    A presto!


  5. Bellissima, Fabrizio! Davvero uno spettacolo. Adoro le fughe...
    Buon Anno e buone vacanze


  6. Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

  7. Bellissima prospettiva per la foto dell'anno! Goditi le vacanze! Noi ti aspettiamo per le migliori foto del 2010 :)

  8. Another fabulous photo with terrific perspective and light and dark tones.

  9. Completamente d'accordo!!! E' la foto che ho tenuto per parecchio sul mio desktop!! :)
    Grazie Fabrizio!

  10. You do BLUE better than anyone I know. Perfect choice but I'd imagine you had a very hard time choosing from all the 365 great photos you had!

  11. Thank you so much to everyone about all your wonderful and encouraging messages !!!

    Grazie infinite a tutti per i vostri meravigliosi, incoraggianti messaggi !!!


Torino was the first Capital of Italy, the city that hosted XX Olympic and IX Paralympic Winter Games and Torino Daily Photo is the first photo blog of the city --- I am sorry but due the spam comments, anonymous users are not allowed...

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