Saturday, November 14, 2009

Luci d'Artista 2009

From the bridge Vittorio Emanuele I The Santa Maria del Monte's Church in blue thanks to Luci d'Artista on the top of Monte dei Cappuccini --- Enjoy your week end !

Dal ponte Vittorio Emanuele I la Chiesa Santa Maria del Monte in blu grazie a Luci d'Artista sul Monte dei Cappuccini --- Buon Fine settimana !

Luci d'Artista @ Monte dei Cappuccini

2 - Rebecca Horn Little Blue Spirits - Piccoli Spiriti Blu
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  1. Che bella passeggiata mi hai fatto fare!! Grazie!

  2. I love these Luci d'artista photos. I'm homesick.

  3. Hard to decide which is more beautiful, the gorgeous golden blooms or the blue church in the background. Stunning Fabrizio!

  4. So nice your photos. Each one has a story...!!

  5. @Liliana, prego, è un piacere. Grazie inoltre per la visita.

    @Mike, this is sad. Probably it's sadness for leaving Torino :-( --- My best wishes indeed !!!

    @Virginia, I understand you doubt and thank you so much. In you I would prefer golden blooms 'cause you will have lot of chance to see more about the blue church

    @トリノ生活, Thank you so much for visiting my blog !

  6. che meravigliosa.. quando vengo a Torino mi piace tanto vedere questa panorama. bella foto.

  7. Grazie Hamide. Spero tu venga presto a Torino e grazie per aver visitato il mio blog :-)


Torino was the first Capital of Italy, the city that hosted XX Olympic and IX Paralympic Winter Games and Torino Daily Photo is the first photo blog of the city --- I am sorry but due the spam comments, anonymous users are not allowed...

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