Monday, September 28, 2009

Portici di Carta 2009

Even if, honestly speaking, I took this photo last year, yesterday and Saturday in Torino was back Portici di Carta (literally Porticos of papers) that means the most... long and open air bookstore in the world (I hope so) because under Torino's porticos ! --- Ah, of course chocolate couldn't miss. Tomorrow I'll show you.

Sebbene, onestamente, la fotografia risalga allo scorso anno, lo scorso il 26 / 27 Settembre ha nuovamente avuto luogo a Torino la rassegna Portici di Carta: la più lunga libreria all'aperto del mondo (spero) perché sotto i portici del centro di Torino ! --- Ah, naturalmente non poteva mancare il cioccolato. A Domani ;-)
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  1. OH all those glorious books. I want to visit.

  2. This looks like a place I could happily spend hours!

  3. It would be fun indeed to stroll along there and look through the stuff!

  4. How much I love book stalls!!!! Probably could spend days there:)
    Have a nice week.

  5. It took most of Saturday browsing all the books. Managed to buy two of them.
    Turin has such a good literary culture.

  6. You guys read all the papers you want while I eat all the chocolate.


Torino was the first Capital of Italy, the city that hosted XX Olympic and IX Paralympic Winter Games and Torino Daily Photo is the first photo blog of the city --- I am sorry but due the spam comments, anonymous users are not allowed...

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