Thursday, August 27, 2009

Bookshop or Bookstore

This is my preferred bookshop (my American friends prefer bookstore?). Wooden floor and classical music all the time make the ambience unique and refined. It's an international bookshop, this means that beside usual books and novels maybe written by torinesis' author too it's possible to find books, novels, magazines and newspapers written in other languages. Any of you living in Torino do recognize it? --- Tomorrow I will reveal its name.

Questa è la mia libreria preferita. Palchetto di legno e musica classica tutto il giorno ne fanno un ambiente unico e raffinato. E' una libreria internazionale, questo significa che accanto ai tradizionali libri e romanzi magari anche scritti da autori torinesi è possibile trovare libri, romanzi, riviste e quotidiani scritti in altre lingue. Qualcuno di voi residenti in Torino, la riconosce? --- Domani ne svelerò il nome.
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  1. Great bookstore photo, Fabrizio! Does it have cozy chairs or customers to sit down and look through books and magazines? A coffee shop nearby?! I think the bookstore is called, "Luigi's libreria." Am I right?

  2. I know the bookshop. It's the L... (and not Luigi's). I'll let you reveal it tomorrow Fabrizio, or see if anyone else knows it. Good photo.

  3. Non più residente, ma il L... non si dimentica mai. Gli altri andavano al bar per rilassarsi, io invece andavo qui:)

  4. Libreria "Luxemburg" in via Accademia delle scienze angolo via Cesare Battisti o, se preferisci piazza Carignano? Isn't it?
    Ciao, Rosanna

  5. Looks as if it's got all the right ingredients. What bliss!

  6. Hace unos días he estado de visita en Torino, y he conocido esta librería. Magnífica foto.

    Cordiales saludos, Fabrizio.

  7. I know it by heart, without knowing its name, for whenever i want to buy a french review, i'm going there, sure to find it.


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