Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Sunset over Torino

Misty sunset from Isabella's bridge pointing to North...

Brumoso tramonto dal Ponte Isabella guardando verso Nord...
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  1. its very beatifull, Thank God, You give me nature beauty.

  2. I've never been to Torino but your photos gave me the inspiration not to delay..

  3. Grazie del generoso commento al mio post sulla cioccolata Torinese, e grazie d'essere passato a trovarmi!

    Mia nonna era Piemontese e la mia passione per la buona cucina e il vino mi portano a parlare spesso di quelle magiche terre nei miei blog. Paradossalmente, non sono mai stata a Torino né nelle Langhe! Che vergogna...

    Lola xx

  4. Oh, that lilac color...

  5. I do like the sunset and the colors it has generated.

  6. The lilac shimmer swathed over the city is absolutely gorgeoues.

  7. Stupenda foto, Fabrizio! Piu' bella di una cartolina. Degna di essere trasformata in un quadro o almeno in un bel poster!!! Ciao. A.

  8. Thank you dear Fabrizio,
    the blog break was a must, because the Iran government threated all blogger about what they are doing on their blogs!
    I had to hide my profile and remove all my recent posts because of this and as you know we can not access to face book.
    This is exactly a trap ;(

  9. Oh my, I feel so badly for Sarah.

  10. As usual thank you so much to each of you. A special welcome to some new friends like Fadhli and Turquoise Diaries that I hope will visit Torino quite soon. I also hope that Lola will be able to come here one day.

    Well, now let me spend some words about Sarah. Sarah is 22 and she's a student in IRAN. We cannot help so much for helping them walking in this narrow path that for sure will take them in a more free country one day.

    Anyway we can give them voice in our countries. For this reason I daily publish on Facebook the Portland Daily Photos - Tehran 24 link and, of course, Sarah's messages.


Torino was the first Capital of Italy, the city that hosted XX Olympic and IX Paralympic Winter Games and Torino Daily Photo is the first photo blog of the city --- I am sorry but due the spam comments, anonymous users are not allowed...

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