This photo shows the moment when the bull started to burn. It fell not "exaaactly" as tradition expected but wasn't so bad. It fell no back, not in front but on its right side. What does it mean? Eh... Nobody knows but we think that we have to work a lot to prevent economic crisis.
In questa foto il Toro sta iniziando a bruciare. Non è caduto dove tradizione vorrebbe (verso la piazza) ma nemmeno verso il Palazzo Reale. E' caduto di lato, verso via Garibaldi. Cosa significa? Eh... Difficile dirlo, diciamo che occorrerà lavorare duro per ostacolare la crisi economica.
I went to see the fireworks last night. I was amazed at just how many people there were in the city, especially in Piazza Vittorio. I don't like crowds so much so headed to Piazza San Carlo which was almost deserted. Had a nice ice cream (from Caval 'd Brôns) and watched the fireworks from Piazza Carlina. Much more civilised than being squashed with everyone else. Maybe I am getting old!
ReplyDeleteToro> Torino + Falò> feu de la Saint Jean ! Yes, I remember.
ReplyDeleteI love these traditions and am always happy when I see that they are being upkept. I'm also glad that nobody knows, we don't really need bad omens right now!
ReplyDeleteA destra o sinistra? Magari riusciam a scoprire il futuro andazzo della politica italiana!!! Ciao. A.
ReplyDeleteOops. Looks like it could go both ways this year. As you say, it'll take a lot of work. And not just in Torino, I think. Good luck to all of us.
ReplyDeleteLet the chips fall where they may, because that's what chips do. This image is startling and quite lovely.
ReplyDelete@Mike, I'm getting old too (or maybe I am). Next time we could plan for a beer together (far from crowd, of course)
ReplyDelete@G@tto, falò è corretto ma qui lo chiamiamo "farò" (dalla tradizione piemontese)
@cieldequimper, totally agree: me too I love traditions especially popular old traditions
@Luna, il futuro andazzo della politica italiana si può facilmente comprendere in una sola parola, senza necessariamente guardare dove cade il toro: a puttane (scusa la franchezza ma è punto la verità)
@Hilda, yes, we all have to work a lot to restore economic life and political deal.
@altadenahiker , I love your point of vew. So much ! And thank you about the compliment