Saturday, May 30, 2009

Turin skyline

I prefer to call my city Torino but I noticed that is more popular as Turin. --- This is a South skyline of the city. It's possible to notice the Olympic Arch that link Lingotto to the Olympic village and, in front of Lingotto: Fiat headquarter

Preferisco dire Torino in luogo di Turin ma all'estero più conosciuta come Turin. --- Questo è lo skyline a sud dlla citta. E' possibile osservare l'Arco Olimpico che collega il Lingotto al Villaggio Olimpico e, di fronte al Lingotto: la sede centrale di Fiat.
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  1. che bello photo! this photo is so beautiful. your city is so beautiful. excellent composition, light, and color... bravo!

  2. Great series of night time photos! Well done.

  3. bellisime, particularmente le montagne....

    Turin e il nome inglese, e la nostra colpa.... anch'io preferisco Torino

  4. Because of my visits here, I now realize your town is Torino, and that's what I call it.

  5. And that gorgeous blue I forever associate with il Torino di Fabrizio.

  6. Thank you so much to everyone.

    I'm honoured Sally !

    @Greg Dimitriadis, I have a black cat just like your :-)

  7. bellissima foto! da dove l'hai scattata?

  8. @Stefano, dal Parco Europa - Cavoretto. Grazie per il complimento e per la visita. Anche le tue sono molto belle


Torino was the first Capital of Italy, the city that hosted XX Olympic and IX Paralympic Winter Games and Torino Daily Photo is the first photo blog of the city --- I am sorry but due the spam comments, anonymous users are not allowed...

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