Sunday, April 12, 2009

Sad Easter...

I am not able. I took some photo in theme with Easter but this one, in this country, it's a sad Easter. An Easter plenty of tears. This is what we feel --- At opposite I hope and I wish to my foreign friends a very Happy Easter !

Non ne sono capace. Avevo scattato qualche foto in tema con la Pasqua ma questa, in questo Paese, è una Pasqua triste. Una Pasqua piena di lacrime. Questo è ciò che noi sentiamo --- Per contro spero e Auguro ai miei amici stranieri una Felice Pasqua !
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  1. Oh Fabrizio, we share your tears for those that suffer in your country and in all of our countries. Blessings,V

  2. The earthquake in Italy does indeed make it a sad Easter, although Easter is about resurrection. We had a bad earthquake in Costa Rica about 6 months ago, so I am sure the Ticos have a lot of sympathy and prayers for Italians in this season.

  3. It is sad, sad for a country that has treated me so kindly, as a guest.

  4. It is understandable. It is so sad for your country a this year. You will be in our thoughts this Easter, all of you.

  5. I can understand. I hope in a very special way that the meaning, gifts and blessings of Easter be able to console those who are still grieving in your country. Easter Blessings, Fabrizio.

  6. Beautiful image reflecting a thoughtful mood of mourning and reflection. Here's to better days ahead.

  7. Grazie Fabrizio.
    Bella, commovente foto. Spiega tutto che non si puo esprimere con le parole...

  8. A desolate image for a desolate time for those who have died and their families who mourn.

  9. Fabrizio, hai rappresentato benissimo il nostro stato d'animo!
    Ripiombati nel buio, vuoto, inverno.

  10. Your photo is a good visual for the feelings of all who love Italy and the Italian people. My condolences, Fabrizio. May you and yours be safe.

  11. La tua foto dice più di mille parole. L'Italia e gli italiani sono sempre nel mio cuore e nei miei pensieri.

  12. I think that in the UK our Easter has also been saddened by your tragedy.

  13. Your picture illustrate perfectly the feeling.


Torino was the first Capital of Italy, the city that hosted XX Olympic and IX Paralympic Winter Games and Torino Daily Photo is the first photo blog of the city --- I am sorry but due the spam comments, anonymous users are not allowed...

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