Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Po overflowed

Again as last year after days and days of rain, Po overflowed at Murazzi and Valentino...

Di nuovo come lo scorso anno il Po è esondato all'altezza del Valentino e dei Murazzi...
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  1. Wow, it looks like a wave on the seashore. Hope there is no damage.

  2. Pazzesco. Hi visto foto del Tanaro e persino del Belbo dalle mie parti e fanno davvero spavento. Speriamo che abbia smesso di piovere. Ciao. A.

  3. è che, in pratica, ai murazzi, mancano proprio gli argini. anzi, l'ultima volta che ci sono stata io, in un tratto c'era proprio una sorta di spiaggia che finiva dritta dentro il Po...
    mi spiace che i murazzi, ogni tanto, vadano a mollo. io voglio loro così bene!

  4. The water not not that high last week when I was there and I was walking down there also. Nice one.

  5. Really brings out the power of this great river.

  6. I'm impressed at the wave on the river... One of the rivers near me is flooding, because it's early spring, but I doubt it has waves. How interesting!

  7. Oh dear. This is a regular occurrence? I hope nothing gets damaged to much.

  8. This bad weather is ruining my running. I normally run where it is now flooded.

  9. Oh my goodness. I remember when this happened last year. Hopefully it's stopped raining with you, it has in Menton and we are promised four glorious days. About time! Hope it's the same with you, Fabrizio.

  10. Wow. Hope the rains stop soon for you.

  11. Well, Cieldequimper and Jessie: I have to say that wave it's artificially created because there's a sort of filter there. Of course due the great amount of water it was impressive when I took the photo.

    Antonella, massì Tanaro e soprattutto Belbo (che è il rigagnolo che sappiamo) diventano "belve" quando la terra non riesce ad assorbire l'acqua

    Saretta, it depends. Usually -when Winter is snowy and rainy- it happens once per year but fortunately it's not too dangerous

    Mononeil and Mark, I know it. Also the major of Torino is used to go there to run (when he can)

    Lindab and Hilda, yes it's impressive but fortunately and a part some pub down there (btw quite used), there's not a particularly damage

    Jilly, I count on it !

    Gogouci, yes, fortunately it stopped to rain

    * Thank you very much about your comments *

  12. Again? This is a beautiful picture of an unfortunate event.


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