Friday, February 6, 2009

Messaging... To you

It seems she doesn't feel cold while she's messaging all the time sit in front of Palazzo Madama :-) --- Are you used to daily send / receive lot of sms on your cell phone?

Sembra non senta freddo mentre sta inviando messaggi seduta di fronte a Palazzo Madama :-) --- Avete l'abitudine di inviare / ricevere molti messaggi al giorno sul vostro cellulare?
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  1. I thought she was a statue. The answer ? NON< I do not take my phone with me. It's in the car. Life is to be lived and enjoyed, not looking at or making calls all the day long.

  2. Except for the gorgeous buildings, she could be here in Manila! SMS is the most common way of communicating here nowadays. I think the Philippines still holds the title for "SMS capital of the world." :D

  3. Her thumbs are moving too fast for her to be cold.

    My text messaging is kept to a bare minimum - I have no interest in mobile phones. Having said that, I should tell you that I learned to text while visiting Turin, and it was a useful skill in the circumstances.

  4. Io no. Ho un telefonino con carta and I use it perhaps two times a month or so. (Posso dire 'telefonino' instead of 'cellulare??)

  5. Il titolo della foto potrebbe essere "scena di vita metropolitana"! Ho il cellulare ma al momento lo uso come macchina fotografica. Ho dei seri problemi a mandare sms, ci metto troppo tempo a scriverli ed e' piu' veloce telefonare. Mi sento una matusalemme! Ciao. A.

  6. Like Virginia, I thought, when I saw this shot in the portal, that she was a statue! No I don't like texting, it takes me too long, although I do get them sometimes. I prefer to type on a computer - quicker.

  7. It looks like a couple of people in the background are also texting. I think sms is very convenient. It's usually to the point and can be read by the recipient at any time, so you never need to worry if you're disturbing the person. But personal contact is very important too.

  8. Should I write in Italian or English Fabrizio? Considering that most of your friends writing here seem to be all English speaking I'll switch to English...
    First of all your picture is wonderful, as usual...
    SMS? No, I don't use them a lot, just 100 per day... I'm kidding!!! But yes, I do use them, but what I definitely hate is all the abbreviations or misspelling that people think they are entitled to use! And in fact my SMS tend to be quite longer than others... such as this post! Sorry...
    Have a nice evening.

  9. I am mostly like Anna. I write some sms daily but I type them verbosely... Semicolon, comma, long words: so I spend a fortune. LoL :-)

  10. I am text-dependent, it's true! But I do it somewhere warmer!


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