Monday, February 2, 2009


A detail of a ceiling about a main entrance of an old beautiful building in via Assarotti in Torino. Please enlarge it to take a look about details of walls too.

Un dettaglio del soffitto circa l'ingresso di un vecchio palazzo nobiliare in via Assarotti a Torino. Ingrandite l'immagine per ammirare altresì i dettagli delle pareti.
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  1. This is a lovely building and you are right Fabrizio, the details are exquisite. How lucky you are to live in such a city with such wonderful places to see and enjoy.

  2. Splendido. Una volta ho sentito parlare di un libro sulle meraviglie che spesso si nascondono dentro ai portoni di Torino, nei magnifici cortili dei palazzi del centro.

  3. You're right — such magnificent details and the lighting shows them off so beautifully!

  4. Out with a camera ?
    Always open doors and sneak inside !
    ther is a world to discover.
    Did I already utter this ?

  5. I love those soft colours on the ceiling. Nicely lighted. Position and angle make it a very complete picture.


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