Monday, February 9, 2009

A corner

The historical Torino: this corner is between via San Dalmazzo and via Barbaroux. Please enlarge the image and notice how beautiful and how well is preserved that corner building.

La Torino storica: questo angolo รจ tra via San Dalmazzo e via Barbaroux. Ingrandite l'immagine per osservare quanto bello e ben conservato sia la costruzione d'angolo.
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  1. I'm first (primo??) . Absolutely a gorgeous building with such fine details but also the street with the intricate brick is a work of art as well. Torino is a beautiful place. Grazie.

  2. Definitely worth the closer look — the details are amazing!

  3. Very beautiful indeed. And what is that enticing shop? It looks like a delicatessen?

  4. Fabrizio, this is a wonderful image to linger on. I love your perspective and the feeling of being right there. I love how you've caught the pedestrian framed in the doorway light.
    Seattle Daily Photo

  5. Thank you to everybody and Lindab... I really don't know. I enlarged the original and it seems a modern bakery. I promise I will check ;-)

  6. I like the subtle decorations on the building and the colours.


Torino was the first Capital of Italy, the city that hosted XX Olympic and IX Paralympic Winter Games and Torino Daily Photo is the first photo blog of the city --- I am sorry but due the spam comments, anonymous users are not allowed...

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