Monday, February 16, 2009

Almost a path

Via Botero. In the historical Torino streets are quite narrow. I don't know this restaurant but the plaque they chose is well integrated.

Via Botero. Nel centro storico di Torino le vie sono piuttosto strette. Non conosco questo ristorante ma la loro insegna รจ ben integrata.
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  1. Love your angle her F. You do nighttime so very well.

  2. Looks like they must have a good wine cellar, with that name!

  3. I aspire to do night time shots like you, Fabrizio!

  4. Beautiful shot with that blue night sky and the feeling of the old town. Interesting the street is called Botero. I only know that name through Botero, the Columbian artist/sculptor who sculpts those wonderful fat people.

  5. Whata coincidence: I wanted to go for dinner there tonight, but now I'm lying on the sofa ill and surfing the web :-) It's a nice restaurant and the wine cellar is very good too! Claudia, Torino

  6. Well, thank you Claudia about yor precious information about the restaurant and... I wish you a speedy recovery !


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