Monday, December 22, 2008

Borgo Medievale

From Po riverside: Borgo Medievale with snow. HERE <--- a previous photo when it was lit up during Torino 2006 Winter Olympic Games.

Dall'altra sponda del Po: il Borgo Medievale con la neve. QUI <--- una precedente fotografia di quando venne illuminato durante i Giochi Olimpici Invernali di Torino 2006.
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  1. I'm first or primo or something! This is such a wonderful winter shot . Love the BW and the snow. Great one Fabrizio!

  2. So different from the October post! I think I actually like this much better than the colorful lights. The perfect winter photograph.

  3. This is very tantalizing, Fabrizio. You keep showing places we didn't manage to see on our visit to Turin. The Borgo Medievale was high up on the list, but we ran out of time. It looks wonderful in the snow.

  4. A winter wonderland Fabrizio! Merry Christmas :)

  5. Beautiful black and white shot Fabrizio. Grazie per gli auguri di natale! Ricambio di cuore! E grazie anche per la fedeltà a "amid the olive trees" che ho temporaneamente abandonato...solo perchè sto facendo un grosso lavoro e non ho lo riprenderò più in là, te lo prometto! Come si dice da queste parti, tante belle cose!

  6. Hi Fabrizio, that's a beautiful winter scene, I like the black and white very much...

    I hope you have a wonderful time with your family and loves ones over the holidays! Best wishes always.

  7. I adore it! Something about beautiful European winter scenes always spells Christmas to me.

  8. Bellissimo, Fabrizio, sembra un paesaggio da fiaba. Cari saluti ed auguri di buone feste da Antonella.

  9. I can only apologise for cutting and pasting this comment, but there was no way on Earth I would be able to make it around the whole globe to wish everybody a Merry Christmas otherwise. It pains me to admit that I am a mere mortal and that the magical elves on my staff have little respect for my authority (let alone my preference for minimum wage). Consequently, all they seem to do is sit around drinking beer, playing cards and throwing rocks at the reindeer!

    Anyway, from myself, Henry and Ezra, have a Merry Christmas/Winter Solstice/Hanukkah/Festivus and a happy New Year!

    I hope that all of your holiday photos turn out to be triumphs, and may your stocking be stuffed full of lots of tasty treats and not coal, that all your soufflés rise as you would like, and that all of your presents are free of lead-based paint!


Torino was the first Capital of Italy, the city that hosted XX Olympic and IX Paralympic Winter Games and Torino Daily Photo is the first photo blog of the city --- I am sorry but due the spam comments, anonymous users are not allowed...

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