Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Luci d'Artista 2008 - via Po

I published some day ago (18th of Nov.) via Po and Luci d'Artista. This one is the point of view I love most...

Ho pubblicato qualche giorno fa (18 Nov.) via Po e Luci d'Artista. Questo è il punto di vista che amo di più...

Luci d'Artista @ via Po

3a - Giulio Paolini: Palomar
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  1. I love it too, Fabrizio. Are those Christmas lights? I have a few from Paris up my sleeve!!! My night shots were not nearly as clear and crisp as yours. I need to zip off to TOrino and learn from you!

  2. This looks very beautiful!!
    Great capture of these festivity-lights!

  3. Another great photo Fabrizio. Is it taken form Palazzo Madama? It is possible to get great views from there. It is nice to see the lights from so many different angles. Great job!

  4. Hi Fabrizio, jet another great picture from you!
    These are the lights that I more dislike in the "Luci d'Artista" set, but from this view they seem beautiful.

  5. This is enchanting. Christms lights can be so tacky but these are magical, like a fairytale.

  6. prospettiva molto bella.
    direi che siamo in cima alla torre di Palazzo Madama.

  7. I really love this photos..and especially this street from the different angle.

  8. Che bella via Po con tutte queste luci!!! Hai scattato la foto da Palazzo Madama? Oppure eri appeso ad un paracadute? No, altrimenti la foto sarebbe stata mossa o sfocata. Cari saluti. Antonella

  9. Well, thank you to everyone !!! I appreciated so much your comments. The photo has been taken from the second floor at Palazzo Madama.

    By the way all windows, there, are protected by a sort of curtain. The only window without curtain was just back to the hostess seat. She was so polite to move for a while giving me the opportunity to take this and some other photo I will publish in future.

  10. Ma scatti da Palazzo Madama? :-)

  11. scusa, il commento predente è mio.

  12. The Holiday decorations in Europe are so Great. Nice shot!

  13. It's an impressive point of view! Looks so inviting.


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