Saturday, October 25, 2008

Terra Madre 1

As said yesterday they come from far taking their experience and talking about future of farming --- Happy weekend to everyone !

Come detto ieri essi vengono da lontano portando la loro esperienza a parlando del futuro dell'agricoltura --- Buon fine settimana a tutti !
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  1. This is a very important conference! Do you know what country these women are from??

  2. Conference does indeed sound v important and such beautiful portraits. I love the lady looking directly at the camera.

  3. Sounds very interesting! Do you get to sample foods? ;-)

    Passa dal mio blog per ritirare un award che ti vorrei presentare...

  4. Bella manifestazione, il porssimo anno non mancherĂ² ;-)

  5. tish is pleased with this picture. ;]


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