Monday, October 6, 2008


40,000 people were going to protest -last Saturday- against a new idea of primary school. Of course Minister of Education is persuaded that people really don't understand her purpose and misunderstand it.

Quarantamila persone andavano radunandosi per protestare -lo scorso sabato- contro la riforma della scuola elementare. Naturalmente il Ministro dell'Istruzione รจ convinta che la gente non abbia compreso il suo proposito e che la fraintenda.
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  1. Sounds like a typical 'politician'!

  2. Fabizio,
    As a former 3rd grade teacher for 19 years, I am curious what the debate is over a "primary school">
    I realize our different languages makes it hard, but I am so interested in this debate.

  3. Fabrizio, if you don't mind I can give some highlights...they want to end the team teaching that is now used and return to the single teacher per class system, they want to bring back the grade for behaviour and give it extra weight/importance, they want junior high school students to wear a smock to school like the grade school students... It goes on and on.

    The thing is, Italy has a highly regarded elementary school system, considered to be one of the best around. So, if it's not broken, why fix it? Only to save money. Thousands of teachers will lose their jobs, the teachers who remain will be required to teach subjects that they have not worked with for years, or ever. If the student-teacher relationship is less than ideal (who hasn't had a teacher that they didn't get along with?) the student will be stuck with that teacher for 5 long years...

    I could go on, but this is Fabrizio's blog! Sorry, Fabrizio!

  4. I'm glad Saretta answered the question that I also have in my mind. Based on what she wrote, I think I'll be there with the protesters too.

  5. The idea that a huge number of people all think the Minister of Education's idea of primary school is wrong could not be all wrong. She must be wrong.

  6. I agree with Abraham, that's a large number of people protesting her new plan.

  7. Thank you very much Saretta: you focused in few words the point. Honestly, if you hadn't reply I would have asked you to explain to Virginia reason of protest thta, I must say, it's not only in Torino but everywhere in the country.

  8. This sounds like the USA! If it's broke, please don't try and fix it. Thank you for the wonderful explanation! Wish I could afford to come over and help demonstate!

  9. You're welcome, Fabrizio, my pleasure!


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