Thursday, October 9, 2008

Eataly - The butcher

I showed and talked many time about what Eataly is and represents (click HERE and scroll down to get a selection of photos). Then they have just opened the Tokio Eataly store. This man is the Butcher. He loves his job and loves to give many suggestions on way to get best results from meat about La Granda Association.

Ho mostrato e parlato più volte di Eataly (Cliccate QUI e fate scorrere per ottenere una selezione di immagini). Fral'altro è da poco stato aperto Eataly a Tokio. -- Questo signore è il macellaio. Ama il suo lavoro e si prodiga in consigli per far ottenere il meglio dalla carne dell'Associazione La Granda.
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  1. Wish we had butchers like Eataly here. Sadly most have gone by the wayside and we have packaged meats. He looks like a man that likes what he's doing!

  2. Commento poco, ma passo spesso a gironzolare attraverso le strade i negozi di questa città che vista da qui è un mix veramente straordinario di gusto e charme

  3. He realy has the physique du role!!(I can't find the accent circonflex on my keyboard)

  4. I agree with Virginia. We don't have butchers like this here, either. Most meat is prepackaged at the supermarket.

  5. (personalmente, detesto i pezzi di cadaveri esposti nelle macellerie.
    lo scrivo tra parentesi, consapevole del fatto che il mio commento sarà in disaccordo con quelli degli adoratori di carne qui intorno.
    e qui chiudo la parentesi.)

  6. I would enjoy shopping here very much! Most of our bigger grocers have butchers in the back and will cut a piece of meat for you upon request.

  7. Eataly è una gran cosa, anche perchè in coop we trust.

  8. that's a great shot, i love seeing people and where they work--like the butcher!

  9. The meat is displayed so beautifully and the butcher looks as tho he eats a lot of it! He's wearing the right colour apron too...

  10. I guess butchers look the same all over the world. There are a few butchers like this here in Los Angeles, but probably fewer every year. Very nice shot.

  11. This guy is fantastic. Great photo!


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