Saturday, October 18, 2008

Autumn in Torino

Walking at Valentino park along Borgo Medievale on the right, the river and the hill on the left. Colourful Autumn in Torino -- Happy week end to everbody !

Passeggiando al Valentino lungo il Borgo Medievale sulla destra, il fiume e la collina sulla sinistra. Un Autunno pieno di colore a Torino -- Buon fine settimana a tutti !
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  1. This is a beautiful place to walk.

  2. It would be lovely to be strolling along there with you enthusing about Torino!

  3. I'm so glad I stumbled on your site. Some of your photos are almost musical.

  4. What an attractive place for walking. Lots of interesting scenery along the way.

  5. I love the curve of the road and the still water. Your photos are always one which I appreciate.

  6. Stupende foto, Fabrizio, rendono veramente l'atmosfera della bella Torino, troppo spesso sottovalutata. Cari saluti. Antonella UK)

  7. This is why blogs are so fascinating to me.

    I imagine that wall is hundreds of years old.

    You're very fortunate to live in such a lovely area of the world.

  8. The walkway along the water's edge. Lovely indeed Fabrizio. Do you go there often? I certainly would!

  9. me piace molto Valentino, ed anche questo foto. Ho visitato Torino nel autonno, e nella mia memoria, e sempre autonno nella questa citta.....

  10. Looks like a lovely place to take a leisurely walk!

    Happy weekend to you too, Fabrizio!

  11. I would like to thank each of you and I would like to do it personally so I had this great idea: why Abraham, Sally, Karin, Rambling Round, Kate, Antonella, -K-, Virginia, Juliet and Hilda don't you come here just for a weekend? I will wait for you all !

  12. God, I'd love it! I have a special place in my heart for Italy, for though Bugge's are Norwegian in general, the lucky ones found our way into your country as well.

  13. Gosh Fabrizio, can I come for the weekend too? I'll bring some great Aussie wine!
    Love this photo.

  14. hi fabrizio, this is beautiful as always oh and i'll bring some wind from chicago (we're called the windy city) if i gatecrash your weekend...tee hee!


Torino was the first Capital of Italy, the city that hosted XX Olympic and IX Paralympic Winter Games and Torino Daily Photo is the first photo blog of the city --- I am sorry but due the spam comments, anonymous users are not allowed...

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