I took this photo at
Valentino park some day ago. They were simply sit there while the river was flowing slowly on the back, like their life.
Ho scattato questa foto al
Valentino qualche giorno fa. Erano seduti là mentre l fiume scorreva piano dietro di loro, come le loro vite.
Black and white is a PERFECT choice for this photo. There are no background distractions and the focus is on the men. It reminds me of a favorite poem of mine: "The Old Italians Dying" by Lawrence Ferlinghetti. Do me a huge favor, google it, and tell me what you think.
ReplyDeleteThis is a wonderful street shot. All the men look so 'dapper'.
ReplyDeleteHow nice for them to have so many friends to peacefully "hang out" with, on a lovely day.
ReplyDeleteGreat shot! I really like how they pose their legs. Those legs have personality!
ReplyDeleteThanks to Rob who pointed out the legs. They are poetry. This whole photo is poetry Fabrizio. I believe it's my new favorite of yours! The soft light is so nice and the men seem so natural and unconcerned that they are being photographed. I like your text today as well. Very very nice.
Congratulations on this timeless image. Bravo!
ReplyDeleteI only have to cross the border to Ventimiglia to see a group of such men, passing the time of day in gentle companionship. Love your photograph, Fabrizio.
ReplyDeleteCome le nostre vite.
ReplyDeleteA perfect portrait, so wisely portrayed in mono. Jilly mentioned Ventimiglia and I agree when we were there this was such a familiar scene.
ReplyDeleteKate, I read the poem by Lawrence Ferlinghetti and I was amazed to find in his words so many stereotypes. Especially because written by the co owner of City Lights bookstore that edited Kerouac and Gnsberg (as I read on Wikipedia). Of course, of course some old italians are exactly painted by him but now in *2008* I bet you cannot find anyone who loved Sacco and Vanzetti or Garibaldi. --- They were talking about recession, increasing prices, what this poltician or that does or doesn't do. Juventus and Torino football match and so on... I heard a bunch of other men (I'll publish their photo in future) in same park and those topic were matter of discussion. So, in my opinon, the Farlinghetti poem is an excellent piece of work but mostly a good excercise than a vibrant poem.
ReplyDeleteRob and Virginia, that's right but I am more impressed by their hands
Jilly, I can say more. I took this photo at Valentino and we -together- passed exactly there :-)
Thank you to everyone !
What a classic Italian scene. And the wives? Hope cooking or cleaning? Life's not fair sometimes!
ReplyDeleteYes, a lovely photo!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a fantastic picture. They all look like real characters!
ReplyDeleteTHe hands, how did I miss them? I have this thing about hands and I am starting a collection . For what I don't know. I would love to think I could do a "show" or even in my wildest dreams a book of the collection. I wlll examine these carefully.
ReplyDeleteThe great thing is that -- life goes on! They really seem to be enjoying it. I remember older ladies sitting outside in the afternoons in Pula, Croatia - & my grandmother, who was their age, would just wisk by & head for an afternoon swim in the Adriatic.
ReplyDeleteI am so pleased that you found the poem and commented on it. I value your perspective and am interested to learn, if I'm correctly interpreting what you have said, that it is dated and stereotypical. Thank You!